Friday, August 13, 2010

Oh The Days...

Remember back in the day when I would post on this blog like twice a week.. Yeah, I miss that too.
So I thought I would get you caught up (as much as possible though pictures) on what we have been doing this summer.

One fun thing we did was go Blue Berry picking:
MarMay learned to pick the berries right off the bush and stuff them into her mouth.
She also did some raspberry picking with her Taunte Bell at their house.
She will eat just about anything (she likes) these days.
I make most of her food. She likes lentils and carrots the best.
but she also thinks she gets anything anyone else is eating...and she usually does :)
she is super active (not that thats new) and getting into everything

She is very close to standing on her own (need pictures!) and will be walking as soon as she is brave enough.
So means of containment have been put in place -

"your going to let me out right???"
"But I want out now!" (these picture represent what happens in about a 3 minuet span inside the play pen.... Im sure you can imagine)
but she is growing more self-entertain-able with her toys. she also loves loves books! (thats my baby!)
and bath time is fun as always :)
and of course, it goes with out saying...
shes still a lil weirdo !
much love-
M,N,&M and Tuna too!


  1. She is such a mix of you and your Husband! At times she looks exactly like you but then again she looks exactly like him. She is such a dollface!

  2. Nicole, I was wondering if there is a special way to follow your blog? I haven't been able to successfully "follow" it; whenever I click the follow button it never works. Anywho, just thought I'd ask if I could follow you. :) Hope you guys are well, the pics of Mara are so cute, she's adorable! Lol, and hey, you make more blog posts than me, and I'm still childless. ;D

  3. I feel horrible saying it but the cutest picture in the bunch is the one where she is crying. I wanted to just pick her up and coo to her about how mean Mommy is for putting her in that pen... But then again I don't know what it's like to care for a child 24/7 so after a while the play pen might start looking a little more desirable. And the second cutest is by far the funny face at the bottom. The child is just so animated!
