Friday, December 18, 2009

Dispose of this, would you?

I have coined a new phrase - Purple Parenting.
No, it has nothing to do with my choice in spouse, but everything to do with my orientation - my mindset, if you will. 
I am a purple parent because on the standard color wheel, purple is as far away from green as you can get. 
I would say that I am an "earth conscience" person, I turn off the water while I'm brushing my teeth and I try and use natural products - but only if they work just as well as the chemically-laden ones. So when it came to choosing how to take care of my child, I did at least research the "green" options.
First is the diaper debate. 
I've heard it all - that they cut down more trees to make butt covers then notebook paper and that if a child wears diapers until the age of two that you could stack them up and they'd reach to the moon and back, yada yada yada....
And then there is the argument that cloth diapers are cheeper - to the ones that make this cry I say !babyshit! because one way or another you're going to pay for it. 
You could get the diaper service, but that costs you, or you could launder them yourself; but either way you'll be washing more - because the blow outs of a newborn are unrivaled. So at the end of the day - THEY DONT WORK AS WELL!
This is the same problem with washable breast pads. I had made the mistake and went ahead and bought a couple of packs of the cloth breast pads - before I had ever experienced breast feeding, and lo and behold they didnt work. I mean, as we began our nursing adventure I was able to shoot targets across the room when my bra came off, how was some cotton pieces going to keep my front side dry? 
So as it stands, her and I both have "disposables" on the area's from which we leak - and I couldnt be happier about it. It shows the progression of our culture, because really (as my sister in law so aptly put) if we're going to put our babies in cloth diapers, are we as women going to venture back to a time where you really are "on the rag"? 

1 comment:

  1. i'm just catching up on your blog, its been a while, but you've got me cracking up with the cloth boob pads and the squirting boobs. I mean wow. who expected that?! still, breast feeding was one of the most rewarding, challenging and amazing experiences. i'm glad i did it. i'm glad you are too.
