Sunday, January 31, 2010


I come to you on the last day of the fist month of the year. A month where gym memberships skyrocket and people are doing their damnedest to kick their swearing habit. I come to you in this time to head a warning; I will never be the same – at least physically (mentally, emotional, and spiritually is a whole nother blog…)

Yes, it’s true. One’s body post baby is a thing of mystery. I went through pregnancy and could sincerely say that I enjoyed the changes in my body, and then the last month (well, last month and two and a half weeks…) hit hard. You see you body do things you could have never imagined – and I’m not even talking about the birth itself.

For starters, my child was over 9 lbs and to this day I am hard pressed to tell you how in the world my gut didn’t split open to have her tumble out. I got big with my baby – well let me rephrase that, my belly got gargantuan. I stated showing from the word go. My sister in law is in her last trimester and was commenting about her changing body and I said “Honey, you are what I was at 8 weeks” In my defense, I (if you could not tell from my last year’s worth of postings) was ecstatic about being pregnant and wanted the full experience. I’m sure if I could have signed up to have the big belly from conception, I would have.

Now with that being said, I did take all the precautions I could to not blow my body straight to bits. I tried my damnedest (eeeer, hardest) to drink enough water, eat right, and there was probably no more than five individual days though out the whole of my pregnancy that my stomach did not see some sort of salve; alas, no work is ever done without some wear and tare.

You will get stretch marks

And not just on your belly

You will get more than you expect (because, lets be honest, we all think we’ll be the ONE person that escapes them completely, haha)

You will look at yourself in the mirror after a shower and wonder who left two burnt pancakes on your chest.

You will have hair that grows in places, but it doesn’t matter because you can no longer see these parts of your anatomy, let alone reach them to do anything about it.

You will carry enough water with you to fill an African village’s well – and I’m not talking about in your Nalgene bottle.

And finally, you will turn yourself inside out to bring for the creature that did all this to you (no, not your husband).

Overall though, I had a pretty good game dealt to me. I had gained just under 30 pounds (28 actually, I should be honest on my own blog) and lost 25 of it in the first week after Mara Mum was born. (remember she was 9 pounds herself). And in the spirit of honestly, I currently weigh less now than I did before I was pregnant (I <3 breast-feeding)

So to sum it all up, am I happy with everything that happened with my body? not really. But do I love it more now than before? Ya damn spankey (eeeer, yes).  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Stretch marks or not, all I'm sayin' is that your child and flower tattoo both came out in tact, which is what matters. In that order. (And I love that all the profanity you corrected in your blog has been a part of your vocabulary since highschool. Points for consistancy.)
