Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What I've been up to

I have, as you can see, neglected my blog - but not with out good reason. I got my sewing machine out again. 
M has said that I should have a blog for my crafts but I told him I wouldn't ever be able to post anything because most everything I make are presents for the very people that would be the ones to tune in.
In any event, these are the dresses I made Mara alongside all the other projects I have going on. I found the pattern free online and I made two because the first one was a wee bit tight on my mammoth of a child:) 

I had bought this green fabric years ago. It was in the remnants section and was too small a patch to make anything for myself, but I bought it anyways because I loved it so and remembered it after I had her. 

I'll let you know what else I come up with...


  1. Those are both so sweet, you really ought to try and make some to sell on etsy.com or something! :D I'm sure you're excited to give Mara a chance to wear both of them, how fun to be able to make some little dresses for her.

  2. Oh I can see why you picked the green pattern. It is very up your alley.
