Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cold Turkey

If nicotine addicts had to quite their vice like a new mother gives up sleep there would be no need for Nicoderm. There’s just no option in the matter.

Let me start off by saying that I was lied to. I was deceived and bamboozled and I’m not too happy about it.

I had read and heard from multiple sources that newborns sleep anywhere from 16-20 hours in their first days of life. I had heard from many mothers “oh the first three months are so boring with a new one, all they do is sleep and eat.”

None of these women have met my Mara.

I am so grateful that I was able to give my baby a drug free birth, that she was able to experience her first glimpse of life unaltered, but I admit that there has been a few times now where I have looked at my wide eyed child at some o’clock in the morning and wondered why in Gods name did I want her to me “more alert”?

My baby is just not a sleeper, during the day at least. She does sleep fairly well at night. At a little over 8 weeks old, she is down to one middle of the night feeding. But during the day I’m lucky to get two twenty min catnaps out of her (and that’s if she’s in her sling, swing, or I’m just straight out holding her the whole time- but that’s a whole nother issue.)

The little time I do have after she nods off at night I have been using to read anything I can get my hands on about how to “Get your child to sleep in Heavenly peace” – to no avail.

I write this to you sometime after 10pm, taking a night off from my parenting books to share with you my findings on the matter. I knew that parent hood was going to teach me a lot of things; I just didn’t expect I would be so behind the curve two months in.

Unlike various other posts I have laid out before you, this one I do not wish there to be many comments on. This being because I do not believe that I could be told anything about getting your baby to sleep that I have not heard, and tried already.

But if you do have some fantastic method to do so, let me again remind you that you have not yet truly met Mara. 

originally written Nov. 16th 10:20pm


  1. Lol, I won't give you any advice on getting Mara to sleep, because unfortunately I don't think there really is any. :) As you know, every person big or little is so different! I will say however, that my mom had the exact same issue with my little sister Eryn; She would only sleep for 20 minutes at the very most for her naps, and it never really changed, not even when she got a bit older. Maybe Mara will change her sleeping schedule a bit for you as she gets older, who knows? I guess I would just try to encourage you in knowing that she sleeps well at night! :) Good luck with those naps!

  2. I had the exact same thing with Baylee. She NEVER napped. I was so exhausted. Unfortunately she hardly slept at night either. I remember well the first time she slept a full 8 hours - she was 3. Luckily Mara does sleep pretty well at night. ;-) Heidi was bragging about her after your visit the other day. She was very impressed with your little doll. :-)
