Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Things I Wonder About

There are so many unanswered questions when you're a new mom. 
Here I pose just a few:

(1- Why do manufacturers put the softest side of the fabric on the out side of garments? Yes, its nice to hold a snugly soft baby - but not if the baby is fuss'n from the itchy fabric on their end of the onesie.  (I've often wondered this about adult - ie. my own- clothing as well) 

(2- Why do some adults think that any sound that your newborn makes is evidence that they are pooping? They coo, and some one pronounces "Oh, she's working on something" "har-har!" Or they gurgle, and its "She's pushing". FYI- she's not even eating solids yet - there's nothing to even "push" out! And then there's the most wide spread offense - that when my baby dose the sweetest thing in the world and gives you the opportunity to see her smile, why would you ever chalk it up to "gas"?? hmm? Where do people get these ideas?

and (3- I am convinced that snaps are the work of Satan. They either pop open too easily or you need the Jaws Of Life to get them apart. Not to mention the fact that trying to match them up in the middle of the night is maddening, and thats even if you dont get off by one (or five) and the whole thing gets cock-eyed. I prefer the straight shot of a zipper. Or whatever happened to real buttons? At least they're logical.

stay tune, there's bound to be more where that came from...

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