Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Butt Scooching and Fly Catching

We love her deeply, she is the reason we wake each day (yeah, thats a reference to her not being a good sleeper) and why we do what we do, but let it be known that should our daughter ever take part in either of the above activities she will shame us completely.
M and I are reasonable people but when envisioning the growth of our beautiful daughter, as any parent would, there are select pet peeves that you rather NOT see your child do.
for Michael its what we refer to as "Butt Scooching". It is the action that some children replace crawling with. Instead of being on all fours the moving consists of the child being in a sitting position and using their limbs to "scooch" across the ground. Michael is pretty firm that he will not permit Mara to do this at any time in her motor-skill learning process. He notes that should he ever see her partake in this form of movement he will pick her up, spank her and place back on the floor on her hands and knees. He, however, has the peace of mind that should this event occur it would be but for a brief moment in time. 
The mannerism I most fear could forever need correcting...
For as long as I could remember, long before we got pregnant, long before Michael even, I would tell any one who would listen that should they ever see my offspring with his/her mouth hanging open and it not be because there is a snoop about to enter it - you hit them. and you hit them hard. I dont care who you are, a Buddhist monk walking down the street, and you see a child of mine with a blank stare and mouth in that not-quit-open-but-definitely-not-closed position; please, please raise a hand. 
now, one would think that proper breading would curtail any chance of these issues arising, but only time will tell if there is a Scoocher or a Catcher in our gene pool. And you best believe, my husband and I will have stinging hands...

1 comment:

  1. to all readers: please disregard my dyslexia and mentally change the work "snoop" to spoon upon reading the second paragraph. thank you.
