Saturday, July 18, 2009

8 months

So the "8Month" picture didn't happen. We moved and well, I was just pooped. But I do find it amusing to refer to myself as "Octo Mom" now :)
So- I have gathered together for you a smattering of images to replace the usual weekly picture.
We have the baby's stuff set up in our new place for the most part.
Follow along with me...

Here is a shot of the crib
(yes to all you mothers out there - the pillows actually go on our bed and will not be in there for the child to suffocate on when its actually in use)

Here is the leaf canopy that I HAD to have about two years ago and have been packing around to eventually use for this purpose.
(Side Bar: I had red an article on how mobiles disturbed natural sleep patterns and figured that I would like sleeping under a big leaf so...)

Here's the whole set up, dresser/changing table included.

Here's my second baby sling that I made. Just finished it a few minuets ago. I love the pattern.

And here is the diaper bag that M bought for me in Disneyland years ago at the Anne Gedds store (dangerous place even for the none-knocked-up). I love it, he loves it, and I loved Disneyland so it was a good souvenir.
So I feel like we're Monetarily ready for the lil goober. When people ask "are you getting excited" I generally reply with "yeah, I guess thats what you could call it." I am fully aware the you are never "ready" and for someone that likes to plan what she's having for lunch three days in advance, I think that might be hindering my true excitement. But I doubt that if you ask any expectant mother, none could say that they dont have a tinge of anxiety.
But over all I dont have the feeling of "get this over already" (although there are some in my close vicinity that I have enjoyed myself through out this pregnancy. But as I had pointed out to me today that the anxiety that I am feeling could be chalked up to the fact that "You were the one that wants a natural birth, Dude."

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