Saturday, March 27, 2010

Off the, cuff

I can say for all of the posts I have done before this time that they were all well, well thought out and even researched if need be. but I come to you now still wet from the shower.
It has been my plight lately to attempt at wrapping my head around what seems to be a simple fact in my life. I will do things the hard way. I feel at times that there are few things in my life that have gone right and I would like to think that this is not so because of my own choosing, but then again I wouldnt be surprised if my subconscious was a sadist.
So as I grow with this knowledge, I do of course keep a keep eye on how that now effects my daughter. She is a part of me and I her, so the question is not if, but how.
But here is the catch, I like who I am.
From a young age I have seen, been apart of, or somehow experianced situations that I pray to God Mara will never face, but I know that they have made me an independent, derterminded and strong person. And maybe not everyday, or in every moment, but over all I have been comfortable with Nicole.
So how do I balance that?
How do you only give your child your positive characteristis. And my question is, more inprotantly, how does one then turn around and not only deal with, but cultivate these traits in the said child.
all the while still having to convince yourself daily, that they are too positive.
I will never forget a conversation that my mother in law and I had when Mara was quite small. I called her a strong willed child. (something I clearly remember being call, often) and she cautioned me on labeling her too young. I said that "strong willed" is not a bad thing. It can be a great thing (as parts of my life do show) I just dont know how to deal with it in my 8week old...
So this is where I leave you dear reader, at the end of my own chain of thought with many questions and possibly no real direction. just a revolving, on sided conversation that I will forever have playing in the back of my mind that I now share with you, dear Reader.


  1. Ehem. I LOVE all your "bad" qualities. Oh, and your good ones too... And I pray that your daughter inherets Every. Single. One. If your kid picks up even half of the characteristics owned by her mother and is blessed with, shall we say a less complicated life, she will be one hell of a force to be reconed with. For everyone, incuding you. And I'm sure you will handle her with the utmost grace and patience... (When all else fails, I am an open ear for venting.) :)

  2. are you ready to come home yet?
