Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lets get a move on it people

Oh ya! for pregnancy hormones. 
and for being bent on logic
and for growing up
only to move back in with your parents

I loved this house. M and I looked for some time close to six months for the house we have lived in the last year. Perfect location (I walk to work he rides his bike to school), and damn cute (built in the 1920's, we painted every wall, replaced the bathroom floor, built shelving) - we though we would be here at least (forever) five years. 
When I wanted to get pregnant I knew I was asking for my life to change and I knew it would happen even before I would even have the baby. 
The ("hem-hem") lack of enthusiasm that greeted me when I first voiced my desire to start a family was, I am told, due to the fact we are already stock piling a debt that could crush a bolder for ourselves and a baby only equaled more. But that was then and this is now and here is where logic catches up to me.
In my desperation I was completely content with the flippant though of "well he's taking out a loan to do what he wants to do, why cant I?"
I seem to have forgotten a little thing like our current economy. 

turns out they dont give "pre-natal" loans. go figure. 

To make a long and not so needed story short: 
Was it a fast decision: hell yes. 
Was it what my dream life would consist of: not so much.
And am I beyond grateful to have a family that will support me to the point of giving up half their house: ya-damn-spanky.

And that is truly how I feel. We/I  am being supported in pursuing what is my heart's desire.

"He will finish a good work He has started inside you."

So if you need us, my babe and I will be about a half day's drive past nowhere, in a "bonus room" of a great house, in a beautiful town called Canby. 

1 comment:

  1. I think you'll love living in Canby. The commute is the only sucky thing... well that and the zillions of cops who will pull you over for nothing. I loved growing up in that town.
