Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Like any other rose

So as much as I get annoying questions in regards to my pregnancy, I do get some great ones - like what our names are. I love answering this question because I love the names we've picked out. 
We had our names solidified long before the creation of our baby for two reasons 1) This is going to be what we call our child. Its going to be around for the rest of our lives and it's own. Big deal. and #2) It wasnt likely that the two of us were going to be able to agree on anything very quickly. 
but here's what we have:
Judeah Stephen Eaton

Mara Chrysanthemum Eaton 

Dont you love 'em? 
Well thats great but I couldnt give a crap if you do or dont - its my baby.  :) 

I have been told not to tell people what names we have picked out for two reasons 1) the person you tell might not like the name and might just let you know that (mmm, good point. no one holds their tongue about any other issue they fine with a pregnant women, so I've found) and 2) they might try and steal the name and use it themselves. 
And here is my answer to both should I come across either type of person:

I have to say though that I dont think we have anything to fear when it comes to people disagreeing with the names we've chosen - well of course not, because we love them. We both contributed to each name. 
I chose "Judeah" (minor confession that I got the idea off the news years ago) and M chose "Stephen" as it's his middle name and his father's first. 
As for our girl's name, M came up with "Mara" (he got it off a movie) and "Chrysanthemum" was what I originally wanted for the girl's first name. It got demoted to middle name but love Mara just as much. 
(A funny daydream of mine is if we do have a girl that our giant-of-a-guy pastor will say the word "Chrysanthemum" from the stage of our church when baptizing her, snicker, snicker)

So there they are. Now we just have to wait and see which one it is I have inside of me.

by the way, say it like "Jew-day-ah"
yeah, that one might give us some trouble...

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