Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dance Goober Baby, Dance

So its been a week or more since I felt the lil stinker wiggle. 
But the catch is that it doesn't happen every day, and the times it does, I have to convince myself "oh no, thats not my lunch"
My midwives asked when I was 4 months if I had felt it yet, I hadnt, and thought that was pretty early, but later while talking to my Oma she said that she would feel her babies at about 41/2 months. Craziness. 
I've asked M if it feels "real" to him yet, the whole -theres a living, moving, being that is part me, flipping around inside my wife - thing- and he said no, not yet. The thing is though, that I barely feel like it is either. I was told by a gal at work that it never felt real to her, all a dream. That was until her third night or so after the birth with out sleep - she said she knew it was real then.
I feel like I'm always chasing something. I'm a pretty impatient person. Like when I heard the heart beat I wanted to feel it move, now I can feel it (sometimes) and I want to feel it stronger (yeah yeah i know, cut to me in the middle of the night four months from now wishing the brat would keep still long enough for me to get SOME sleep that night..) I want M to be able to feel it too. That will be crazy. 
I'll keep you posted. promise. 

1 comment:

  1. Minor update - yesterday the baby was quite active (and by active I mean doing gymnastics and landing on my batter) and I told my mother in law that I think it was the first of many times that I just wanted my kid to sit down and shut up...
