Saturday, April 25, 2009

23 years

Well, its my birthday and it look as if I owe myself $5. 
I would not say that my belly-button is still "in-tacked" because that would insinuate that it is still as it was before the baby, but it hasn't "popped" yet either. I thought it would, and I kept telling M that it would be by my birthday. 
What me and the offspring have been up to today was first, getting our favorite breakfast from our favorite guy :) Below is evidence of the aftermath. (yeah mines the empty plate). 
And since then we have been using the day to do things that WE want to do. (we did some laundry and kinda burnt our hand, but neither of those were things we did on purpose..)
Below is the baby sling that I have been wanting to put together for forever now. I like it. I tried to get Tuna May to try it out for the baby so she could let it know what to expect (I swear the two of them talk more than M and I do), but she wasnt too inclined. She's been enjoying my birthday in my bed and didnt get out of it until some time past noon.
I cant say much though, its 2:30 and (as you can see) I'm still in my PJs.
what do ya think?

As for the remainder of the day, I am getting a nice dinner of steak (yeah, I know, the babys been craving it... dont ask me). and a few friends are coming by in the evening for dessert and drinks. Mine, of course, will be apple juice. 

Enjoy today. I said so and its my birthday. 


  1. Happy Birthday Nicole! :) I hope you enjoy your steak!

  2. I love the baby sling. I assume "put together" means you made it yourself, which is impressive and disgustingly talented on your part. I still cannot sew a button on anything properly and especially not in such a stylish pattern as your child-purse seems to have.
