Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Hog Tie My Children

I had my children at home. I used midwives. I believe in letting things happen naturally. So when after having my first daughter, my midwives instructed me to let the piranha - I mean, infant - eat as she would like and she will sleep when she needs to too.
Pardon me while I step away to laugh for a good 5 minutes.

OK so Mara didnt sleep. ever. until she was about a year. but the one thing that seemed to help in the slightest - was tying her up, tight. it was a thin line between swaddeling and constricting - but it helped. it calmed her down and didnt allow her to startle herself with ramdon movments in  her sleep... when ever she would fall asleep... but never longer than 20min mind you ;)
Sew, with my next lil fish baking, I had it in my mind to add to the collection of wraps.
as seen below:

 I used fleece and a zigzag stitch

 and long strips of velcro to ensure a snug fit

 made a black on too
they seem to be working quite well <3
 mama to my two :)

Monday, April 23, 2012


can you tell my kids apart?

whos who?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Big words

Do you do this with your kids? -
'I think this afternoon we should go to the amusement structure and partake in frozen dairy beverages.'
Or 'should we permit the viewing of a film tonight?'
I know there's more, as our 2 1/2 year old grows more aware on the English language, we seem to be doing it quite often.
What are some 'big words' you use with 'little ears' ?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More of my two

FYI - some pictures are out of order.
 Tiny has been doing tremendous with her sleeping! We have a standard 6-7 plus about 4 more hours at night! 
 Mara is two and a half, if you really couldnt tell...
 We've been doing a good deal of 'School' things lately. Mara knows all her colors, can count to ten, and we're getting a good hold on the alphabet.

 Mara also usually has one 'activity' a day too. Like playing in the water, in her rice bin (pic below), or craft-time.
 Mara fell asleep in the car for maybe, maybe the third time in her life. I had to take photo evidence.

 rice bin - best $10 ive ever spent. we get a good 45min of play out if it every time!

 Mara's favorite thing by far though, is hunting for sticks.

 making 'cheesy noodles' in her kitchen

 TyTy and her Godi

 We're loving our new double stroller - Petunia, being dragged through the rain, not so much ;)
 Shes been out growing her newborn clothes!
 M and I have been splitting up the girls when outings need to happen, I took Ingrid with me to Winco the other night and she was a bit amazed. (pictures are taken of her while in my pack)

 I had dreamed of having blond babies - M was blond as a kid. but after having my second black haired lil girl, Ive given up hope. but i'm pretty happy with what I got!

thats it for now
love N